Drooooozy on etsy

Oh Pinterest, you evil, horrible, terrible, amazing, fantastic site!  You make entire hours disappear with a single image, lost forever into the black vortex of the internet.  The other night it was a ring.  One simple, pretty sparkly ring.  And the next thing I knew, it was midnight and my leg was asleep and my husband was saying "aren't you EVER going to turn that off?"  The good news is that I discovered the etsy shop Brooklyn Thread, and druzy: a coating of fine crystals on a rock fragment.  I want them all, but mostly those studs.  And this ring below.  And the necklace...

Brooklyn Thread has lots of other awesome jewellery in their shop, but at the moment I have eyes only for druzy.   Drooooooooozy.


  1. Seriously. You need to stop posting Etsy stores. I have my eye on that gold ring...

  2. I also have my eye on that gold ring....so pretty.  Their stuff is so unique  and sooo lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jess, you know it is my calling in life to keep you well-supplied with cool jewellery.  I take my job very seriously.


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